Tuesday, September 27, 2011





Chowing down...


Food hog!


Tired momma


Moving day!

First day of "puppy jail"

Checking it out...

Puppy pillow

The new digs!

Pups have  moved into their final setup in the living room! They are getting great and necessary exposure to all sorts of sights and sounds- TV, the vacuum, cooking dinner, kids running, and the cat checking them out! They've been doing well on a mixture of goat's milk and rice cereal- today they will get their first taste of puppy food mush! The mix will be powdered (in the blender) Taste of the Wild and goat's milk! I will be sure to get pics of the upcoming mess! I am also starting early potty training, trying to first establish no potty in their "den"!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Puppy Milkshake

In honor of their 3 week "birthday" I introduced the pups to some goats milk in a dish.... I have a puppy dish ordered and on the way, but decided to go with pie pans for now. MISTAKE! The puppies bathed in the milk as much as they drank it! They all lapped it up with no problems though and so we are starting the long journey to weaning already! They are also becoming more interactive with us and with each other and are no longer just eating and passing out- they are starting to play with each other for awhile first! I have a couple of trouble makers on my hands, after all the other pups have settled down I have two that will prowl around and pounce on a sleeping sibling! It's very entertaining for me, but probably obnoxious to sleeping puppies!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Moving day!

Sounding the dinner bell!

Pups have moved into the family room and now have a much bigger space to practice their developing walking skills! They have also begun to cut teeth, much to the disappointment of Luna!  She is not the type of momma that will tolerate teeth well so they will be introduced to lapping liquids this weekend with the aim of being weaned in a couple of weeks!
Puppy pile

What a clown!

Full tummies!

Cuddle buddies!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Howling cub!

This little girl has such a huge personality already! Definitely headed into alpha dog territory! Here she is doing her best wolf pup impression!

Nursing Pups

Here's the little piglets eating!  They're so noisy!

New pics

So I took, or rather attempted to take, some pictures today.  The puppies had other ideas though and were not very cooperative- but here is what I was able to get! They are growing so quickly- most of them are over 2 lbs now and it looks like they are all developing nice wrinkles and ropes already! Fecal sample came back negative for all parasites to include coccidia and giardia, still they received their first dose of dewormer yesterday.  They are 15 days old now and getting loud and active and assertive! Each pup is developing their own personalities already and it is so much fun getting to know all of them!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 12

Puppies are now 12 days old and they have all atleast doubled their birth weight! Luna continues to be able to feed all 9 with no supplementation! They are getting into that dirty puppy phase and I spend a majority of the day cleaning them up! Hopefully once they become  more steady on their feet it will get a little better.  In about another week or so they'll be making the move to a bigger space in our family room, this ensures that they will be properly socialized to men, women, small children and cats! The noise and activity will also help prepare them for life in their new homes! Their eyes started opening today- as soon as they are all open I willl post individual pictures.  They should be open by Friday so check back then for pics!

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Soon after Phoenix came home she aspirated milk again into her lungs and the oxgen cage was not helping.  Rather than watch her suffer I called the vet clinic that she had helped her the first time and asked if any of the staff would be interested in adopting her since they were better equipped to help her through the severe pneumonia. Luckily, one of the techs decided to take her and we brought her back to the clinic on Wednesday. I have no further information on how she is faring yet.  The other nine puppies continue to eat and grow and thrive! They are rapidly gaining weight and I expect their eyes will be opening up soon! I'll be sure to post pictures as soon as that happens!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Phoenix is home!

Little Phoenix is home, and we've set up a "miniature" ICU oxygen cage for her.  Vets don't think it will be critical for her to stay in at all the time, but she's already fought so hard to survive, I'm going to give her every change possible.  She is now the smallest of the ten, but nursed easily off of mama for the first time since Saturday so hopefully she will start to catch up to her siblings!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Milk mustache

Update on"Phoenix"

My little fighter "Phoenix" will stay in the hospital until tomorrow when the hope is I will be able to get an oxygen cage set up for her at home so she can recover more easily and fight off the pneumonia! While it's common for brachycephalic breeds to aspirate milk into their lungs, it is highly unusual for them to be able to fight back from the brink of death like she is.  I feel that because she is showing she is willing to fight so hard I need to be able to help her through it as much as I can, and in this case it means setting her up a little oxygen bed at home! She probably won't NEED it, but it will make it easier for her to fight it off while her lungs take the next week or two to clear themselves out!


Light Purple girl
Dark Pink Girl

Green girl

Light Purple girl
Dark Purple girl

Orange girl
Black boy

Brown boy

Turquoise boy